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Camu camu 100g Frilagd.png

Camu Camu is one of the world's most vitamin C-rich fruits. In its concentrated powder form, Camu Camu is consumed in countries all over the world, where it can be used in health drinks and other recipes as a natural source of vitamin C.


Our Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) originally grows in the Amazon rainforest in Peru. The tree's fruits are carefully dried and then ground into a fine powder. Add Camu Camu to water, smoothies or drinks. Vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and to protecting the cells against oxidative stress. It is important to have a versatile and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


Recommended intake: 1 teaspoon (3 g) a day mixed in water, juice or smoothies. Recommended intake should not be exceeded.
Ingredients: Organic camu camu (Myrciaria dubia) powder.
Origin: South America

Net weight: 100 g


Content per daily dose and percentage of daily reference intake (DRI)

Camu camu (powder) 3g
of which vitamin C 270 mg (DRI 337%)

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